EDPSE-C07 Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration Theory and Policy

  • The Migration and Urbanization Dilemma: the debate of whether developed or developing countries are more urbanized. image-20220603221512797.png

  • More population growth -> more urbanization

  • Agglomeration economies are the benefits that come when firms and people locate near one another together in cities and industrial clusters.

    • Localization (industry or sector) economies??
    • Workers benefits
      • saving on transportation
      • firm workplace is near
    • Firms benefits
      • saving on transportation
      • skilled workers are near
      • specialized infrastructure
      • potential spillover of knowledge/tech from related industries
    • Industrial districts: Industrial district is a place where workers and firms, specialized in a main industry and auxiliary industries, live and work. or Clusters
      • Makes the industry sector more efficient.
      • Developing countries make little progress

Conditions in urbanized cities

  • Congestion cost: always busy traffic cost time and money
    • Industrial districts for productivity also lowers congestion cost.
  • Different industrial specialization means different size cities
  • Need of extensive infrastructure in the capital
  • Smaller cities may be expected in labor-intensive developing countries
    • Why?

Problems with urbanization

  • Urban Gigantism: when the First-City Bias makes people, firms, and investment concentrate in the first and biggest already existing city due to it already having the necessary infrastructure.
  • Causes of Urban Gigantism:
    • Avoid cost of importing/transporting anything by putting every industry in one city
    • “Bread and circuses” to prevent unrest
    • Hub and spoke transportation system (rather than web) makes transport costs high for small cities
    • Compounding effect of locating the national capital in the largest city
      • Makes the problem worse
  • More slums and poorer living conditions

Urban Informal Sector

  • Jobs, economic activities, that aren’t protected or covered by law

    • Coffee shop employment
    • Supermarkets
    • Sometimes employ more than formal sector
  • Why urbanization is speeding up?

    • There are less obstacles or drawbacks of migrating to cities
      • Communication technology
    • Less cost of transportation
      • Closer consumer goods, services (education, fire, police), and workplace.
    • = Labor force in agriculture
    • = Labor force in urbanized city (manufacturing)
    • = Medium wage