Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Came from Cold War conflict
  • US failed to overthrow Castro regime
  • Soviet Union reached secret agreement with Cuba to evade future invasion
  • Deterrence each other from positioning nuclear weapons
    • US’s nukes in Turkey
    • USSR’s nukes in Cuba
  • Negotiations happened mostly at White House and Kremlin level and not much on Bureaucratic level
  • Timeline
    • 16 Oct 1962: US discovered USSR missile in Cuba
    • US didn’t take actions to publicize the issue
      • If publicized: there’ll be public pressure to put pressure on USSR or escalate the issue to save face as the most powerful nation
    • 22 October 1962: negotiations began
    • 24 October 1962: Khrushchev responded to first message of president Kennedy
    • 26 October 1962: US informed USSR missiles are near operating readiness
  • Bilateral discussion
    • Exchangingmessages between Kremlin and White House
    • Serving the frontlines of an International pubic opinion contest between the superpowers such as conducting press cregionsonferences for clarification

Why was the negotiation successful?

  • Deterrence against one another for the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction

  • Negotiation was conducted bilaterally, directly, and indirectly

  • Everyone believed cooperation would lead to better outcome

  • Strategy

    • Kennedy responded to USSR’s aquiring ICMS, by increasing its own missile program.
    • Kennedy feared more the publicity shame from letting USSR situate its nuclear weapons on Cuba more than worrying from the security problems
    • Alexander George
    • Kruschev conceeded because
      • Saving Face
      • Limited Demand Approach
      • Strategic Gains


  1. 2022-05-25’s Group 4 presenation