ActionAid’s Child Sponsorship

  • Child Sponsorship (CS) is part of the ActionAid’s funding program to connect children of a community with the sponsor/funder who is pledging to improve their livelihood.
    • Aim: to be the catalyst of social change

Process of Child Sponsorship Program

  • The types of communicative material in the CS program
    1. Child Sponsorship Report: are measurements of what Actionaid does.
      • how their money is spent and send to sponsor
      • impact, result,
    2. Soft Story Report send to sponsor
    • Child corner: what benefits kids in the society got from the program
    1. facts and figure report: 5w1h
    2. Gift Fund Report: funder want to add more money over their monthly payments
      • equally distribute in society in events or things that help everyone at once
      • no jealousy
  • SK: Sahakom is the system filled with CM, PU, background
    • Before it was NK: African word meaning Chain Link, represent the connection between children
    • SK: 45 countries voted for it to be a Khmer word
    • record all info of children, photo, report, plan. It’s a database of all things related to the child program.

Partern Orgs

  • 005 Pursat: BCV, RFCD
  • 006 Kampot: CWDC
  • 010 Kompong Thom
  • 013 Koh Kong
  • 020 Udor Meanchey

Funding Mechanism

  • Foreign Affiliates (FA): are the countries which sends monthly funds to our CS program. Currently there are 5
  • Currently there is 7,240 children with links to FA(s)
  • Child Messages are collected twice a year
    • There p1 and p2: 6 months each (3-8, 9-2)
    • 4 months to collect, 2 months to translate
  • How they raise funds in FA countries
    • Racing events, marathon, concerts, and fundraising in other countries that brings money in as charity to ActionAid.


  • Actionaid became transformed from a service providing organization (Charity) to HRBA (Human rights based approach) to help families make money for themselves
    • helps parents or families
    • child is the connection to sponsor
    • teaching parents to plants
    • to teach them what they are entitled to, where they can get it, who to tell
    • empower people living in poverty

Child Message (CM)

  • Sincerely, with love, warm wishes,
    • name of child should be on the bottom right of the page
  • Bottom Left: (Translated by ____)
  • There should be a title of each Child Message
  • Title
    • First Message: Welcome to Cambodia
    • Standard & Goodbye:
      • Sending loves from Cambodia
      • Greetings from Cambodia
  • Greeting phrase for each country
    • Italy: Dear ___
    • UK, Australia, Greece, Ireland: Dear sponsor
  • Don’t(s)
    • Don’t mention something sensitive to sponsor
      • That brings trouble to the org
      • Actionaid is not about policing domestic issues
      • It goes both ways, from sponsor to child as well
        • Give child more advantage
    • No asking for more: actionaid isn’t a charity

ActionAid’s Child Messages

Useful Notes to Self

  • Inform or send absent forms to bong Pros/Dyna
  • Inform telegram if you’re late
  • Don’t put any full names in the CM(s)

Daily CM Translation Tracking 2022


for filename in *.jpg
do text=$(tesseract "$filename" stdout | grep "LRP")
	cp "$filename" renamed/"$text".jpg
## | cut -f2 -d":"| to only pick the second field to rename
##	cut -c  == means skip the first and move to the second character
## head -1 is used to only output the first line, isn't needed in this case
for filename in *.png
do text=$(tesseract "$filename" stdout | grep "KH" | awk '{print $2} | cut -c 2-)
cp "$filename" renamed/"$text".png


  • Feedbacks
    • Rachana:
      • Used the wrong gender pronoun x2
      • Welcome to Cambodia instead of Welcomes to Cambodia
        • Only use Welcome when its their first message
      • Random capitalized letters
      • Crop is not a verb, its a noun
      • Fishery is not a very, Fishing is a verb
    The locals are harvesting rice yields