IS405 Lecture on Realism
Class: IS405 Created Time: September 27, 2021 2:08 PM Database: Class Notes Database Is Reference for: Security Dilemma, Man, the State, and War, Offensive Realism Last Edited Time: December 20, 2021 2:10 PM Tags: (PROCESSED) Type: Lecture
- October 4, 2021 group 1 presentation
- Defend kenneth waltz
- Why is the Cold War not over: soviet may fall but china will rise
- never ending enemies to rise against the united states
- cover in presentation
- Which global events can we use? can we have duplicate with another group?
- If some event is not analyzed deeply you can still use it
- The more recent the better?
- It’s unlikely to pick the same event and different groups have different perspectives
Realism came from the need to explain the real world in opposition of ‘what the world could be’ in idealism
Realism focuses on war and peace
- The Dooms Day Clock helps support Realism
Only large states or super powers can decide what will happen to the world
- not even small states
- NGOs or terrorist groups etc doesn’t have power
Hegemony isn’t a good thing in Realism
- Hegemon is a threat to every other state
- → creating coalitions and war against the rising hegemon
- Hegemon is preponderance: a great power with large gaps between other great powers
- Hegemon is a threat to every other state
Anarchy: no overarching authority above a state (world government) {#8db9d3}
- Can’t rely on the UN without consensus from every member state
- Must rely on yourself
Russia, Syria, and Iraq defeated ISIS (#NeedResearch)
Security Dilemma
Security Dilemma: its the difficult choice between choosing to continue building their power and stopping.
States A cannot stay in one place or risk being invaded by state B who builds up their power.
- State B will take an opportunity to take out their enemy (State A)
No matter what you choose to do you will be end with the bad result of War
- That’s why its a dilemma
International System being anarchic is what makes states act that way.
How to get peace
Using balance of power
How to attain peace with realism
START: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty to limit the arms power and nuclear weapons power between the Soviet and United States
- Cold War ended without any hot wars
Balance of Power: for smaller countries to band together and challenge a larger power but not exceed it
Peace can occur in the midst of arms race, possession of nuclear power
How to measure, reassure the balance of power between states
- There is an art that Diplomats use to communicate effectively and transparently between countries
- [Calculating Credibility] (Book) on methods to calculate relative power
- Past action theory vs current calculus
Classical Realism is the first attempt to make realism a scientific theory
- Realism was a philosophy: an art of governance
Neo-Realism | Structural Realism: Kenneth Waltz created it
- Focus on structure
- 1919-1939: League of Nations is Idealist thinking of woodrow wilson
- Edward Hallett Carr’s The Twenty Years Crisis and Morgenthau’s Politics Among Nations is the founding texts of Classical Realism
- Kenneth Waltz’s book Man, the State, and War. Human nature is not the cause of war.
- The inherent problems with international system:
a system has three components
- Interacting Units are states
- Ordering Principle: rule of interaction between units. Between two rules
- Hierarchical: not possible
- Anarchic
- Distribution of Power: who is big and who is small. The only characteristic of a system that varies and changeable
- Uni-polarity
- Bi-polarity
- Multi-polarity
Waltz says the system’s polarity is the only variable that can change
- and when it does change it leads to world wars
- says uni-polarity always create a coalition against them
- multi-polarity will create many opportunities for war
- bi-polarity is the most stable and will last forever
- even if one super power got every power in the int system to go against the other super power, it doesn’t mean that much
- when alliances happen even for the smallest country the international system becomes unstable and creates multiple potential enemies for the entire system
- Both world war 1 and 2 started from small countries expanding their power
- What happens when bi-polarity changes to uni-polarity without a war? cold war ended peacefully?
Defensive Realism
- Defensive realism is too technical?
- Developed while analyzing events of WW1
- Is war perpetual?
- foreign policy should be to defend oneself to stay in peace
- If expansionism won’t pay anymore the offensive-defensive balance is at equalibrium
- Defensive realism says Weapons technology is defense dominant. Arms are meant to be used for defense
- except railroads
- Defensive realism failed to predict what happens so many times, WW1, WW2
- Jack Snyder defends its faults
- If weapons technology is Offensive dominant means the offensive has an advantage or defender must use offensive tactics for protection
Offensive Realism
- Offensive and Defensive realism isn’t opposite in the role of weapons technology
- Foreing Policy of offensive realism is for states to secure survival states must attack others to gain the most power
- John Mearsheimer’s assumptions
- Combined together, the nature of the international system makes system act in an offensive way to gain hegemony for survival
- Why do states gain power?
- Global hegemony by one state isn’t possible
- States are encouraged to become regional hegemon in local area
- And the area’s regional hegemon becomes the “offshore balancer”, to fill a power vacuum, prevent another state from being a regional hegemon in this region
- Tragedy of Great Power Politics: Even knowing One power controlling the world isn’t possible (hegemony), regional hegemons still try to get global hegemon
- Continental power doesn’t have naval capability of Island Great Power who doesn’t have the land capabilities of continental power (Russia & UK)
- Neo-Classical Realism is a return back to classical texts of realism from Kenneth’s realism