S3M2 Log

Class: IS306 Created Time: June 22, 2021 2:22 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: June 22, 2021 4:19 PM Type: Seminar

Caucus 1: comments on DR

  • Indonesia, South Africa, Fiji, Egypt, Nigeria, Guatamala supported dropping Intellectual property
    • Poorer countries think so
  • UK recognizes needs from poorer countries
    • Agrees to cooperate with other vaccine manufacturers to make more vaccines and distribute better?
  • US says the vaccine process is in WTO hands
  • Many others
  • China believes intellectual property rights shouldn’t be suspended
    • More production hubs will cause less effective vaccines in the future
      • Put effort into new vaccines instead of mass producing old vaccines
  • Japan support suspending Intellectual property rights

Caucus 2: economic recovery

  • Nigeria asks for debt reliefs from rich countries
  • China is working with G20 to implement debt service suspension over a time frame on poor countries
    • Urge int organizations to take the same actions as well
  • US: many countries are in debt, relieving debts aren’t sustainable
    • focus on economic recovery instead, public health sector…
  • Russia brings up sanctions
    • Poor countries already have hard time dealing with lockdown, economic slow downs
    • Sanctions make global economic recovery more difficult
    • Should focus on the issue right now which is cooperate in fighting COVID-19 together
    • Calls for suspension of sanction
  • Japan believes free trade shouldn’t stop
    • support debt reliefs as a member of G7
  • US: respond to Russia
    • Economic sanctions isn’t the only sanction there are
      • North Korea violate int. law of developing nuclear war: requires stopping them
    • Russia interfere US election: cyber crime
  • Korea about fair sale of covid vaccines
  • China thinks we should put down political issues first and focus on stopping the virus
    • Maintain free trade and cooperation

Comments on DR

  • Fiji
  • Guatamala
  • US: There’s already past DR that mentioned economic concerns
    • Fiji is concerned over climate change which is fulfilled by the SDG

Russia Amendment on Clause 2

  1. Urges all countries who have surplus Covid-19 vaccines to donate to the countries are in needs of vaccines Bilaterally or through the COVAX facility multilaterally;
  • Russia: believes int community should take all methods they can to get vaccines. supporting both multilateral and bilateral
    • Multilateral is too slow in roll outs
    • Russia has one of the cheapest vaccines, can be stored without special fridge
  • China: ?
  • Japan: brings up 50% of vaccines are distributed to the higher income countries
    • COVAX is the best option for poor countries with less bilateral relations
  • UK: should go multilateral
  • Russia: recognize multilateral framework
    • Should look at all available options using both
    • Most developing countries are facing late roll out of vaccines by COVAX
      • needs isn’t met, so Russia’s deal is quicker to deliver for immediate need
  • Guatamala support bilateral (have deal with Russia)
  • US says the clause 2 is only referring to urging states that have extra vaccines that they don’t need to be donated to COVAX
  • China can donate bilaterally still
    • good for building connections with neighbor countries
  • passed


  • discuss more about how to deliver the vaccines? June 29, 2021
  • Exam: Advantages of using bilateral or multilateral or both channels of distribution vaccines