Interdependence Liberalism
- Interdependence Liberalism: interdependent countries rarely voluntarily get in conflict with one another. 1
Division of Market Specialization 2
separate actors specializing themselves in what they’re good at and trading with produce which they’re not good at producing
- It discourage conflicts as states rely on one another: interdependence makes cooperation more valuable
- Less likely to use military to solve conflicts: trade agreements and reliance on supply chain makes it a bad decision to go to war
- Less Developed Countries are more likely to use military to solve conflicts than richer ones
1. Functionalism Theory 2
- Peace: greater transnational ties could lead to peace
- Technical Experts, not politicians, should manage cooperation, find solutions to solve them rationally instead of ideologically
2. Neo-Functionalism Theory 2
- Improve Cooperation: Politicians ****should lead cooperation by shifting their interests to states with similar interests
- Spillover: increased cooperation in one area will lead to increase in cooperation in surrounding area.
3. Post-war complex interdependence 2
💡 High-politics: the state interests of survival, balance of power, and self interests
Low-politics: the states focus on matters less important than survival of state
Low-Politics is more important than High-Politics
In a world where war is not an option for states anymore because of complex interdependence (from globalization, commercialization, supply chain).
- States pursue separate goals from their transnational actors
- Power Resources impacts regionally
IGO’s importance will increase:
- weak states need platform to raise their voice
- Coalitions formations
- IOs will set international agendas