GIGW-C13: Cambodia Before The Killing Fields

Class: IS402 Created Time: December 29, 2021 2:09 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: March 20, 2022 10:57 PM Provided Materials: Cambodia__Before_the_Killing_Fields.pdf

  • Independence to civil war in Cambodia
  • Lon Nol overthrow Sihanouk due to his increasingly incompetent rule
  • 1979’s end of Khmer Rouge as year 0 country

From Independence to Civil War

  • Sihanouk stepped down from monarchy after his father’s death
    • Sihanouk’s mother as ceremonial monarch
    • Sihanouk became a politician

The Assembly Election

  • Sihanouk stopped ties with US
    • Expecting China or Vietnam to take the role, but didn’t happen
  • Leading to more Right influence in the country
  • Alliance with North Vietnam (no other choice)
    • Vietnamese troops stationed in Cambodia
    • Vietnam won’t invade Cambodia or kill it’s people when the war ends

Sihanouk’s Policies

  • Sihanouk represented the ‘father of Cambodia’
    • treated his people like his children
  • Sihanouk’s Foreign Policy is better than his Domestic Policy
    • FP: alliance with Vietnam, neutrality…
    • DP: not listening to advice for economy…

Opposition to Sihanouk

  • Sihanouk considered himself too popular to allow Cambodia to have any dissent (opposition)
    • Both Pracheachon and Khmer Serei Democrats were too weak to challenge him
  • Oppression actions
    • Sihanouk’s Political assassination of oppositions
  • Pracheachon’s leaders held communism and taught their ideology to Camboodians

Sihanouk’s Rule: A Balance Sheet

  • Domestic policy Mixed Bag
    • Good
      • his Buddhist Socialism made 20% of country’s income into education
      • He went to rural areas to connect with the people, making him popular
    • Bad
      • High school educated young adults couldn’t find jobs ⇒ joined communist
      • He didn’t have much time actually making decisions, instead just meeting his people
      • Sihanouk taught his people about political fairness, that backfired him
      • Political assasinations
      • Insistence on deciding things he’s not an expert at
      • When pressure built, Sihanouk had less interest in ruling

Sihanouk’s Decline

  • Break of US military aid program
  • Gain control of economy to cripple Chinese business elites in Phnom Penh
    • 1/4 Cambodia’s rice harvest smuggled into Vietnam as Cambodia’s government can’t match their price

The Coup of 1970

  • Lon Nol