Week 2: PART I: INTRODUCTION: History and Definitions of Small States

(F) Day of the week: Thursday Class: IS406 Created Time: February 14, 2022 2:26 PM Database: Events Database Date: February 24, 2022 Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: February 14, 2022 2:38 PM Type: Lecture

Maass, M. (2017). Introducing small state survival as a historical phenomenon. In M. Maass, Small states in world politics: The story of small states survival, 1648-2016 (pp.1-17). United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. Maass, M. (2017). Defining and quantifying the small states. In M. Maass, Small states in world politics: The story of small states survival, 1648-2016 (pp.18-43). United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. Maass, M. (2009). The elusive definition of the small state. International Politics, 46(1), pp.65-83.

Long, T. (2017). It’s not the size, it’s the relationship: from ‘small states’ to asymmetry. International Politics, 54(2), pp.144-160. Wivel, A., Archer, C. & Bailes, A. (2014). “Setting the scene: Small states and international security. In C. Archer, A. J. Bailes, & A. Wivel (Eds.), Small states and international security: Europe and beyond (pp.3-25). New York: Routledge. Veenendaal, W. P., & Corbett, J. (2014). Why small states offer important answers to large questions. Comparative Political Studies, 48(4), pp.527-549. Sutton, P. P. (2011). The concept of small states in the International Political Economy. The Round Table, 100(413), pp.141-153.