Chapter 8: Survey Questionnaire

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS303 Created Time: December 22, 2020 2:41 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: December 22, 2020 2:41 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Presentation Notes

1. Surveys

Survey: a data collection tool in social science, posing questions to respondents

  • It’s versitile: flexible

Two forms of Survey

  • Interview: questions posed person to person (phone/in person)
  • Questionnair: self administered question answering

Problems of respondent cooperation

  • Respondense Rate: percentage of people who complete the survey
  • Social Desirability: error caused by people answering
    • in a socially appropriate way, what is expected instead of reality
    • lie to make themselves look good, and hide bad things

2. The way we word things


  • Concepts are measured through questions posed to subjects
  • Careful exact wording of questions aiming for the right variable
    • Sensitivity: Welfare vs Poor, End Pregnancy vs Abortion

2. The Rules

2.1. Questions should be clear of ambiguity

Use precise language in questions: not subjective wordings

Do you exercise regularly? vs How many times do you exercise per week?

2.2. Use common language

  • Don’t use technical words: field specific jargon will only confuse people, use everyday words
  • Don’t use abbreviations: field specific abbreviations isn’t commonly known and may be mis understood.

2.3. Use neutral language

  • Don’t use emotional facts, language, or phrases that seek empathy, fear, or pity
  • Causing emotions could skew/bias an answer to the emotion instead of the issue itself

2.4. Use Simple to Answer Questions

The double barrel question: to ask two or more questions in disguise as one question.

Ex: How do you rate police response time to emergency and non-emergency calls?

3. The Structure of Questions

3.1. Closed Ended Questions

Questiosn for you to choose from a number of options available

  • Advantage: Easier to answer for respondents
    • Save time to analyze
  • Disadvantage: not exactly fit for all respondents
    • Options might not

Ex: Nominal & Ordinal level of measurement: provide fixed choices

Do you rent DVDs?

Traits of Closed Ended

  • Exhaustivity: present all relevant response as a option to respondents
  • Mutual exclusivity: each response options must not overlap each other
  • Nominal level measures must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive

Level of agreement could be from 2 to 6

3.2. Open Ended Questions

Questions requiring repondents to give their own answer

  • Advantage: better at getting clear and personalized answers from respondent
    • Uncover surprising element
  • Disadvantage: lower response rate from respondents as it’s longer to do
    • Unable to standardize
    • Difficult to code or analyze data

In the last two weeks, how many times have you rented dvds?

4. Putting it together

Demand repondents to supply requested informations.

How? Certain questionnair formats could help

4.1. Cover Letter or Introduction

to sell your research, respondents to be interested to help

  • Importance: how much it could impact society, that they are important part
  • Legitimacy: how we will follow up and create meaningful results
  • Confidentiality: anonimity and privacy should be addressed

Cover Letter

  • Personalize: address name, catagories, or status
  • Have personal signature of researchers
  • Contain contact information
  • Put cover letter on questionnair

4.2. Primacy Effects

“Item at the beginning of a list will stay in people’s long term memory longer”

Don’t start with a

  • demographic question (age, gender, edu)
  • openended-questions

Do start with

  • Interesting opinion
  • Attitude questions: non-sensitive safe questions

4.3. Sequencing

Ordering your questions properly by catagorizing will help resondents not get confused

4.4. Logical Flow

Earlier questions could influence answer to later questions

  • Grouping by time order
  • Catagorizing
  • Bring thought provoking question about the topic before asking the real question

How to deal with

  • Determine sensitivity of the order
  • Pre-test with trail respondents

4.5. What to ask and what not to

Filter Question: question that determine if repondent are supposed to skip or answer a question

Convert long questionnairs to shorter ones.

Why: The longer the questionnair, the less the response rate

How: a questionnair shouldn’t be more than 40 minuites long

The correct format:

  • not to be crammed
  • give enough answer space

4.6. Formatting

Best layout to put questions

Resonse Set: questions that are worded the same into a pattern that could cause error

Mis match questions to

5. Pre-testing

think of format, logical flow of survey and tweak according to feedback

Pre test methods:

5.1. Cognitive Interview

Think Aloud

  • Repondents are asked to verbalize their answers
  • non-directive and open-probing

Directive and Probing

  • Asking for open ended questions

6. Challenges to Mailed Questionnairs

Cover Letter: make easier response, that it’s important enough to fill and send back

Make returning Easy and attractive: make short surveys, correct time, incentive rewards

More use of online surveys

Online Survey


  • Quick and convenient to fill in
  • No need to use documents or transportation
  • Reach wider audience


  • Biased towards respondents who have tech devices, and internet access
  • No accessible to the poor, old people, rural areas
  • Respondents might not care much about answering honestly