Class Discussion 2

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS210 Created Time: March 11, 2020 12:13 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: March 11, 2020 12:13 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Study Group


Provide your own argument to the questions below: 1- What is the Cold War? How the US set its “containment strategy” in Asia? 2- Why was ASEAN so the concern about communist expansion in SEA? 3- What strategies that ASEAN leaders had adopted to deal with communist in Indochina? 4- What strategies that ASEAN leaders have adopted to deal with the Vietnam occupation of Cambodia from 1979-1989? 5- Was it a success for ASEAN to force VN to withdraw its troops from Cambodia in 1989?


  1. The Cold War was a war between the Soviet Union and the United States, from 1947 to 1991, fought mostly through proxy wars and rarely any face to face conflicts. The two super powers fought for global influence

    • Why proxy wars?

      The idea of Mutually Assured Destruction kept the two powers from launching any preemptive attack

    • Expression of Competitions through

      • The nuclear arsenal development
      • conventional military deployment


      • psychological warfare
      • propaganda campaigns
      • espionage
      • far-reaching embargoes
      • rivalry at sports events and technological competitions such as the Space Race.

    US Containment Strategy

    Containment first started in Europe (Soviet)

    China became communistic country ⇒ shift in containment to Asia

    1945 Indochina Independence ⇒ North Vietnam (USSR) and South Vietnam (US)

    The US applied the “Domino Theory”

    The fall of a non-communist state to communism will spread communism to it’s neighboring states

    Kennedy and Johnson administrations during the 1960s to justify increasing military involvement in the Vietnam War.

  2. Southeast Asian states sought ways to relate to each other on an alternative basis rather than simply choosing Cold War sides. SEA states had opposition to interference in domestic affairs by external communist or anticommunist agencies

    ASEAN states were concerned for their national security as non-communists could overthrow and take over the government.

  3. The Bandung Conference had the theme of anti-imperialism and peaceful coexistence. (April 1955)

    ✅Self Defense

    ❌Collective Security

    • Principles

      assets/IS210 Class Discussion 2/Untitled.png


The Bali Concord joint actions against common threat, for collective political security, harmonization of politics.

The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation set principles of interference of internal affairs and peaceful dispute settlements

  1. On 9 January 1979, Indonesian Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, chairman of the ASEAN Standing Committee’s statement against Vietnam’s illegitimate claim calling UNSC

3 days later: ASEAN foreign minister meeting confirming Cambodian’s right of self-determination and demanded the immediate withdrawal of Vietnamese forces

1980 joint statement to preserve Thailand, the next front line from Vietnam with an unqualified pledge of American support

  1. the United Nations International Conference on Kampuchea in July 1981, called for a cease-fire and withdrawal of foreign (i.e., Vietnamese) forces under the supervision of a UN peacekeeping force and to ensure the security of these elections and the establishment of the new government.

ASEAN wasn’t the cause of VN withdrawal, UN was.