Somalia Situation: Position Paper
Class: IS306 Created Time: March 23, 2021 2:12 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: July 12, 2021 3:07 AM Resulting Materials: The_United_States_of_America_Position_Paper.odt Status: Done
Group # Members:
Mock Simulation: Vattey
1st Simulation: 1/2 Vattey 1/2 Resan
2nd Simulation: Vattey
Sponsor Meeting: Resan
3rd Simulation: Resan
State the position of your country: The United States on the issue of ‘The Internal Conflicts of Somalia’
Country assignments
Use the proposed actions in the position paper during the simulation
- If other’s position is similar work with them to lobby support
- Focus on internal conflicts only, don’t be too broad, border disputes and other issues somalia is having shouldn’t be discussed.
- Put national interests before UN interests
- If the proposal will end the conflict but will hurt you, reject it
- Propose something more neural or beneficial to you and defend it instead
- If the proposal will end the conflict but will hurt you, reject it
The meeting aims to end the current on going conflict
- you aim to pass resolutions
- Call yourself by your country’s full name
- Call others by ‘delegates of {Country}’
- Start with soft, non controversial ideas and start to harden your argument later on
- Go through other states’ position paper
- Shouldn’t read the position paper
- Note down key ideas and present it in a speech style that fits the situation
Problems in Somalia
- Security
- Ongoing armed conflict
- Civil-War: al-shibab
- between different clans wanting their own leaders to be president
- Battle for greater Somalia, ongoing?
- Somaliland declared independence
- Election:
- clans fighting each other for election
- Ongoing armed conflict
- Humanitarian Crisis
- refugee crisis
- lack of state protection
- International aid is attacked and stolen by warlords and factions
- Economics
- Economic recovery plan
P1: Background of Issue and US Position
Colonialism left Somalia fragmented
- Britain and Italy became ‘Somalia’
- France’s became ‘Djibouti’
Need to regain Greater Somalia
- Ethiopia announced support of Marxist-Lennin and after Somalia refused negotiation Soviet supported Ethiopia
Somalia failed
- 1/3 of the army died fighting
- Economy Collapse
- Refugee crisis: ethnic Somali in fighting area fled to Somalia
- Famine: drought
The on going civil war since 1991 between the Federal government of Somalia and the terrorist organization Al-Shabab causing close to half a million deaths and Somalia stability.
P2: Background information with details regarding the issue at hand
What you want actors to do such as the UN
What your country has done in tackling the issue, how and why it failed
- The United States has provided more than $3 billion in humanitarian assistance for Somalia since fiscal year 2006 to address the problems of drought, famine, and refugees.
- Since 2011, the United States has provided an additional $253 million in development assistance to support economic, political, and social sectors to achieve greater stability, establish a formal economy, obtain access to basic services, and attain representation through legitimate, credible governance.
- The United States works closely with other donor partners and international organizations to support social services and the development of an effective and representative security sector, including military, police, and justice sector, while supporting ongoing African Union peacekeeping efforts.
ANISOM: The US is involved in ANISOM ran by the African Union and authorized by UN
US provided
- Peace & Security: The U.S. Government provides equipment and training to troop contributing countries (TCCs) participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
- Since its initial deployment in 2007, the United States has obligated over $341 million to AMISOM.
- The U.S. also provides a full-time Peace and Security Advisor to the AU Peace Support Operations division at a cost of more than $300,000.
- The United States provides all of its support for AMISOM in kind, including equipment, logistics support, advice, and training for AMISOM TCCs.
Result: To date, AMISOM forces, supported by the U.S. and other international partners, have significantly degraded Al Shabaab and stabilized Somalia.
Convince other states why they should or should not involve in the issue or take action, depending on your country’s nation interests
US’s position
- Support for the building of democratic institutions and holding politicians accountable & election
- Building effective Somali security forces: support federal national military against al-shabab
- Implementation of stabilization and economic recovery programme
- Delivering humanitarian assistance across the whole of Somalia
The US was actively led three UN missions in Somalia such as … . However these missions’ mandates ended which led to less involvement from the US.
P3: Propose Solution, measure, policy
- For the UN to build a plan of action or step by step process in stabilizing and recover Somalia’s economy and policy instability
- For the UN to take up a temporary management role in the vacuum of leadership in Somalia
- To seek actions in rebuilding democratic institutions and reestablish electoral mechanism for a new government.
- For contributions in training, supplying, and advising Somalia troops to regain control over the country from Al-Shabab
- To deliver humanitarian aid to the victims of civil conflicts