IS404 Orientation

Class: IS404 Created Time: September 21, 2021 6:37 AM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: October 9, 2021 8:01 PM Tags:#NEED-PROCESS Type: Lecture

Course Description

  • The Course studies win-win conflict resolution methods such as negotiation, mediation, facilitation, and reconciliation.
    • win-lose methods: arbitration, adjudication
  • How modern diplomatic negotiations can resolve international conflicts (intrastate) and civil wars (interstate)
  • The Peace Study is a new established discipline

Expected Outcomes

  1. Using different IRTs? to ananlyze conflicts and their solution
  2. Learn to classify level of analysis and stages of conflict resolution process.
  3. Learn significance and evolution of negotiation tools in IR.
  4. Learn what conditions and factors in parties that lead to peace.
  5. Formulate and propose appropriate mechanisms for a peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Video-making skills

  • Positive Peace: is peace that is harder to break than negative peace.
  • Propose conflict solutions in a strategic responses that reflect these pillars that produce perpetual peace

  • Reflection paper every week submitted before class on Conflict Management and Resolution (book)

    • 300 words < reflection < 500 words
  • Diplomatic Negotiation (book) used for presentations

  • Take home exam mid term

  • 10 - 20 minutes video project similar to last semester


  • Conflict: can mean lots of things: the pursuit of incompatible goals by different groups
  • Types of Conflicts
    • Armed conflict: conflicts where both parties resort to use of force
    • Violent/Deadly Conflict: where power/force is one sided (genocide, against unarmed civilians)
    • Political Conflicts: two assertive actors with different values on society
    • Contemporary Armed Conflicts: violent conflicts after the 21 century
  • Conflict Mechanisms
    • Conflict Settlement: an agreement between the parties to end political conflict and armed conflicts
    • Conflict Containment: peacekeeping to stop war from spreading and settle the conflict to peace
    • Conflict Management/Regulation: limit negative aspects while increasing positive aspects of conflict
    • Conflict Resolution: addressing and transforming the deep-root sources of the conflict
    • Conflict Transformation: transforming a conflict/direct-violence into positive peace or long lasting peace. (interchangeable with conflict resolution)
    • Peacemaking: to turn armed conflict into a peace agreement voluntarily between the parties.
    • Peacekeeping: international armed forces (UN) to intervene a civil conflict and make peace with permission from host country.
    • Peace Enforcement: a powerful third party imposing a settlement
    • Peacebuilding: addressing structural issues missed by peacemaking and peacekeeping for long term peace
  • Types of Peace
    • Negative Peace: the absence of direct violence
    • Positive Peace: overcoming the structural and cultural violence


  • Negotiation: the process of formal discussions between two parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that resolves a conflict
    • Types of Negotiation:
      • Distributive Negotiation: one party give very little while demanding very much
        • zero-sum negotiation
        • a party unwilling to give any compromise
        • all for self-interest
      • Integrative Negotiation: finding mutually beneficial solution for a win-win
  • BATNA: Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
    • Don’t accept a deal worse than what you can get with a backup option
    • Have strong BATNA gives more leverage on bargaining for more
  • Anchoring: the initial offer put out early in negotiation by a party from where negotiation shifts the offer
    • Don’t accept initial offer
    • Over aggressive anchor can derail the deal
  • Reservation Price: is the bottom line/least favorable point at which a party will accept an agreement
    • negotiation can get better than the reservation price
  • ZOPA: The Zone of Possible Agreement (Actual Bargaining Range)
    • Only Reservation Price of the buyer is ≥ Reservation Price of the seller is the deal acceptable by the seller
  • Framing: negotiation method of downplaying one aspect (negative) and focus on another (positive) of the deal or selective attention