FPITW-C09: Middle East: Iran & Israel

Class: IS401 Created Time: December 23, 2021 2:09 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: December 30, 2021 3:41 PM Provided Materials: https://www.mega.nz/#fm/nqp01ZjC/ Type: Presentation Notes

Middle East

  • Has crossroads, maritime, and oil resources: precocious to the world
  • It’s Geopolitical importance undermined by
    1. Proximity to Soviet
    2. Unstable inter-state & intra-state structures
    3. During the Cold War: two super powers can’t conquer countries anymore, only alliances
      • Destabilize the region into multiple interests
  • 20th Century: sets of forces made countries in the region rise
    • Nationalism: Arab, Iranian, Turkish, & Zionist
      • Turkey & Iran: State-building based on western practices
      • Arab: decline of Europe power, Regional wars, masses and impatient young officers
      • Zionism: fueled by Jews and western influence style
  • Arab-Israel Conflict: Palestinian Arabs vs Settler Jewish Groups
  • Influence of external powers
    • Soviet Union


  • End of Cold War
    • Geopolitics: struggle to find its place in interdependent international t
    • Geostrategic vulnerabilities: fear instability
    • Globalization
  • There’s two perspectives who support and does not support changes in International system for Iran
  • Iran’s FP
    • Both North and South
    • Improve relations between


  • Israeli-US alliance: allows flow of US funds, arms, support
  • Israel has superior military power in Middle East
    • Why does US support Israel so much?