Questions for dentist

Created Time: March 8, 2021 1:46 PM Database: Inbox Database Last Edited Time: February 24, 2022 4:06 PM Status: Archived

  1. What will I be able to eat after?
  2. How long is the healing process?
  3. How long till pain stops?
  4. Will I get medicine for the pain?
  5. Does the medicine eliminate all pain or only reduce pain?
  6. How long till I can talk normal again?
  7. Are there options between anesthesia? Numbing Injections or sleeping anesthesia
  8. Will I be concious during the surgery?
  9. Will my other 3 wisdom teeth need removing if it hurts? Or is there a time I should remove all of them?
  10. Will it need stitching? Will I need to come back to get the stiches out?
  11. How does the numbing affect my speech? How long till it fades?
  12. What can I drink? Can I drink iced coffee?