IS404 Review

  • 90 minutes exam
  • Define key term
    • by understanding instead of by text book or lecture slides
  • Comprehension question
    • based on own understanding: from textbook
    • paragraph format
    • can be short, just convey needed information, straight the point
    • 2, 3 supporting ideas, examples
  • Critical thinking question
    • 5 paragraph essay
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Chapter 4 to chapter 11

  1. What are the alternative conflict resolution mechanisms?
    • negotiation
      • Enhance an understanding of the significance and the evolution of negotiation as a tool in international relations
    • mediation
    • facilitation
    • reconciliation
  2. explain theoretical perspectives on conflict resolution:
    • Identity can be formed around differentiating factors such as discriminated groups or inter-group rivalry 1
      • Culture: religion, language, beliefs
      • Elites shape common identity, represent to int. community as one
      • Identity can be constructed, deconstructed, and reconstructed through the reinterpretation of shared experiences
    • Power Dimention 2
    • Structural Dimension 3
  3. analyze the nature of different types of conflict and processes of conflict resolution
    • Understand how to structure and classify conditions and problems on different levels of analysis (local, national, regional, and global level)
    • in different stages of the conflict resolution process
  4. Under what conditions and factors parties in conflict can move from violent interactions to perpetual peace?
  5. Policy recommendation: apply effective strategy responses in order to prevent, manage, and resolve numerous types of conflict that take place on the ground in different inter-organization and interstate levels
    • Formulate and propose appropriate mechanisms for a peaceful conflict resolution
  6. Case Studies


  • course syllabus: basic structure of what’s important

Final Exam

  1. What is the difference between Arbitration and court-based adjudication.
    1. What are the ICJ’s weaknesses?
    2. How do you solve these ICJ weaknesses?
  2. how Structure affect conflict
  3. explain win-win policy in conciliation dynamic
  • Critical Thinking Questions:
    • Recite video project analysis
      • Actors involved, causes, consequences of conflict
      • What are the mechanism already applied for this


  1. Conflict From Identity

  2. Power

  3. CMRAI-C6 Structure