Open File Formats

Created Time: July 12, 2021 8:08 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: July 12, 2021 8:11 PM Tags:#Future,#Note-Taking Type: Permanent Notes

Proprietary file formats may become obsolete over time if the proprietary software is no longer available. Open-standard file formats are preferred in professional digital data archives, rather than proprietary file formats.

still images

  • TIFF_UNC (Tagged Image File Format Uncompressed Bitmap)

sound recordings

  • WAVE_BWF_LPCM (Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, v1 or 2, with LPCM Audio)

textual content

  • ODT (OpenDocument Text), XML, PDF (preferably PDF/A, Archival)

moving images

  • MPEG-2, MPEG-4_AVC

archived Web sites

  • WARC (web archive)


  • CSV (comma-separated values), ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)

geospatial information

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) no format preference listed

generic formats

  • ODF (Open Document Format), XML