Chapter Presentation

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Moeng Maikheur
  3. Sok Udom
  4. Soun Noby
  1. Small States in the UN Security Council: Mean of Influence? Sok Udom
  2. Small States and the Politics of Multilateral Trade Liberalization by Tony Heron - Chea Resan 1
  3. Dwarfs in international negotiations: how small states make their voices heard Moung Michael
  4. Small States in multilateral negotiations. What have we learned? Soun Noby

Notes from 2022-05-26

  • What are the smart strategies (maybe negotiation strategy) that were used and described in each paper you covered?
  • Summarize what smart strategies are clearly and concisly.



  1. Small States and the Politics of Multilateral Trade Liberalization