Seminar on Myanmar

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS306 Created Time: May 18, 2021 2:27 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: May 18, 2021 2:27 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 3:35 AM Type: Study Group

  1. Election resulted in NDL led by Ang San Su Kyi winning in 2020 → coup in February
    • Election fraud as excuse for coup
    • Elected politicians are imprisoned
    • Protests
    • 800 civilians killed, 4,000 arrested
    • China is believed to be backing the coup
      • Blocked UN from condemning Myanmar
      • But backed statements calling for reinstatement of Democracy
  2. Social Crisis
    • Suppression of freedom of expression and press
    • Military care more about suppressing protestors than COVID
  3. Insecurity
    • Reemergence of Civil War:
      • Fighting between military forces and forces of rebels
    • Violent protests against the military
  4. Rohingya crisis: discrimination against Muslim minority
  5. Economic crisis:
    • Western countries imposed sanctions against coup leaders/elites
    • Increased price of imports
      • currency of myanmar dropped in value
      • government imposed limit
      • external trade barriers
    • Banking crisis
    • Social welfare and payments are down
    • FDI may withdraw their business or move
  6. Humanitarian Issues: fighting creates
    • Spread of COVID-19
    • Refugees for neighboring countries
    • More need for food and water supply

Problems with Solutions

  1. Smart Sanctions: aren’t as serious
    • Freezing assets, banning travel in country isn’t very effective
    • Only act as political show
  2. Rohingya situation: cannot just end instability, but also to help the people in need or is discriminated against
    • What are the immediate solutions UN can propose to deal with it?
    • Introduce package of solutions with different purposes
      • Political
      • Humanitarian
  3. Condemning statements are not effective
    • Only way to convince military leaders is the show the outweighing benefits of returning democratic system over military
  4. ASEAN meeting only to save face
    • To say ASEAN is trying to do something about it
    • But doesn’t come to any effective solutions