
  • religion’s potential avenues of influence on foreign policy
  • Religions are sometimes analyzed in IR studies, but controversial questions about role of religion in FP
  • US presidents (Eisenhower, Bush) pushed FPs that fits their religion sometimes, but sometimes goes against it.
    • To what extent are FPD influenced by the leaders’ or country’s religious beliefs? Or is it influenced by many other?
    • How much influence does a president have over FP decision?
  • Is knowing the religious affiliation of a leader ever a predictor of which side a leader will take in a dispute that could have religious overtones?

Create a Framework to understand What is the role of religion in FP?

more attention to various mechanisms linking religion and foreign policy is warranted, to make theoretical progress in understanding the role of religion in foreign policy analysis

  • Religion: is source of world views and values, as well as a source of identity and legitimacy, and is also ‘‘associated with formal institutions.’’
    • How is religion measured?
      • religious denomination
      • frequency of practice
      • as a large-scale transnational actor (Catholic Church, Al-Qaeda)
    • role of religion as an attribute of individuals and communities, as an organized interest, and in its institutional connections with the state
      • Leaders, government officials, are the pathway which religions could affect FPD in the
        • orientation and perspective to specific FPs
        • the allies and enemies it gather
      • The extent of the impact, how it occurs, how it interact with existing domestic political structures is still poorly understood

Theoretical Approaches to Religion in FP Analysis


  • Realism thinks Power and geopolitical positions are what determine FPDs
  • no soverign power can exercise authority due to anarchic nature of IR
  • If states share common religious or cultural values they are less likely to go to war against one another


  • Ideas such as religious heritage and culture are what determine FPDs
    • Culture provide logic that are can be rationalized and prioritized
    • If religion is very integrated into society, it’ll be taken more seriously in FPD
  • FP is more or less secular because religions are detached from the modern society


  • Contemporary Liberal: states pursue preferences and ideals derived from domestic political consideration and constrained by domestic political consideration
    • Specifications to create identities and values as an idea
      1. Religion as a theological doctrine: live a moral life in accordance to their beliefs. Different means to the same goal.
      2. Religion as the legitimate political authority: similar power as a political party
  • Republican Liberalism: Interest of parties, organized religions, public opinions, political parties impact policy maker’s choices


  • How ideas interact with factors such as institutions that can cause significant outcomes such as
    • legal arrangment: minority religious groups seek garauntee religious freedom
  • The structure of political system has different regimes that affect religious issues
    • Democratic System: has to deal with domestic specificities, each religious groups has a say in FP
    • Authoritarian Regime: majority organized groups will take over the voting power. Organized religious groups are very important.

Using Comparative Politics: Agent-Based Theory

  • Individual beliefs are integrated in policy maker’s decision-making process, therefore religion will too
    • Leaders are affected by their beliefs and religious values in FPD
    • Religion can shape leadership style (pragmatic, dogmatic) and directing leadership attention to certain things (religion issues, cultural, economic)

💡 Ex: Sharia’s law on how people should be governed, act, and punished.

  • A country’s identity could be created and rooted from religions

Case Study: Singapore

  • Protests against Muslim strict law on girls
    • 4 year old girl can’t wear ‘Tudung’ in a secularized school
