Model ASEAN Summit & Country Assignment

(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS208 Created Time: February 24, 2020 7:56 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: February 24, 2020 7:56 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Tags:#ASEAN-Summit Type: Lecture

Model ASEAN Summit.pdf

IS208 - Course Syllabus.pdf

Model ASEAN Summit

is the study of

  • Rules and procedures of the ASEAN related meetings
  • Evaluate, discuss, and define policies to deal with issues involving member states

Country Report (Week 4 March 16, 2020)

+/- Class Participation

Necessities: Placard + Flags, Representing each country

Position Paper

  1. Background of the issue and your country’s involvements
  2. Your arguments and counter arguments laid out
  3. Your proposed solution to approach the problem

Mission Report

1 Delegate: Do the presentation report

The Rest: take notes of what is said and what actions are taken (Hold your country up more)

Group Assignments

FIRST Seminar: South China Sea

Laos (Narlarya, Chakrya, Sreypich)

THAILAND (Resan, Lysieng, Sreynou)

Singapore( Soklin, Pichta, Mony Panha)

Cambodia (Rotha, Soptey, Jummy)

Indonesia (mengthu, Neath, Phirun)

Myanmar (Rachana, Souphea)

Malaysia (Monyroth, Rachny)

Vietnam (Lina, Lychhing, Rina)

Philippine (Vattey, Chenda, Kanann)

Brunei (Votey, Sonita, Sovan Rachna)

SECOND Seminar: The Corona Virus

Vietnam (Narlarya, Rotha, Monyroth)

Cambodia (Resan, Sreynou, Vachana)

Singapore (Chakrya, Sreypich, Somaneath)

Indonesia (Soklin, Lysieng, Mony Panha)

Malaysia (Mengthu, Souphea, Rina)

Philippine (Rachana, Lychhing, Kanann)

Brunei (PICHTA, Soptey, soNita)

Thailand (Lina, Vattey, Jummy)

Laos (Phirun, Chenda)

Myanmar (Votey, Rachny)

Third Seminar: Plastic Waste

Philippine (Rya, Mengthu, Lina)

Myanmar (Resan, Sreynou, Sreypich)

Malaysia (Chakrya, Soklin, Rachna)

Vietnam (Rotha, Phirun, Votey)

Laos (Lysieng, Panha, Vattey)

Thailand (PICHTA, Rachny, Chenda)

Brunei (Maneath, Souphea)

Indonesia (Vachana, Lychhing)

Cambodia (Monyroth, Soptey, Sonita)

Singapore ( Jummy, Rina, Kanann)


  1. Slide Presentation (15 minutes max & 15 slides max)

    Week 3: Slides & Written Hard Copy Essay Collection 16/03/2020

  2. Position Paper: 4th week (on the 1st simulation)

Draft Resolution & 1st simulation: Week 6 March 30, 2020

Week 8: June 4, 2020

Mission Report: minute taking (laptop / note)

New Position Report

Bigger countries have louder voice smaller countries adjourn or call for informal debate