Group 1: ASEAN’s Centrality Undermined by China-US Competition

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS210 Created Time: June 3, 2020 2:10 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: June 3, 2020 2:10 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:39 AM Type: Presentation Notes


After cold-war ASEAN played centrality role for regional security

  • ARF: failed to handle SCS & Trade War

ASEAN Way & Centrality

Centrality Role

  • The hosting of meetings
  • New ties of political and economic
  • Maintain and enhance ASEAN leading role in East Asia regionalism

What is ASEAN Way?

  • Cooperate in all aspects except sensitive issues

Treaty of Amity and Cooperation

  • ARF: not effective in making actions, no binding power, prevent conflicts, not solve them
  • Consensus based decision making ⇒ hard to take any actions

Weakness of ASEAN Way

  • Less human rights
  • Unsolved disputes (non consensus)
  • Neighbors conflicts

China-US Regional Conflict

After Cold War China rise

Major power competition

China-US Trade War: 2018

Impose 25% tariffs on Imported Chinese goods.

Real Intention:

  • Stop china from growing to compete with US in domestic Market

South China Sea Dispute: 1974

Overlapping territories in ASEAN and China

US Fears: China control of SCS will challenge US’s trade routes

China wants bilateral negotiation | ASEAN wants multilateral negotiation

China’s and US’s involvement destroys unity in ASEAN

Failure in Handling Regional Disputes

  1. Lacking unity in the region
    • Diversity of different kinds, many different interests
  2. Hard to reach consensus
    • Thailand-Cambodia conflict: no permission from Thailand for involvements
    • Malaysia-Indonesia conflict: 2 islands
  3. Respecting sovereignty and non-interference norm
    • Cannot interfere in human rights violation in the region (Rohingya)
