Chapter 5: Economic Development and the UN

(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS201 Created Time: December 30, 2019 2:06 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: December 30, 2019 2:06 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Lecture

  1. Why economic development is important?
  • Maintain Peace & prevent war

    How does economic crisis lead to war?

    Protests ⇒ Riot ⇒ Government vs citizen ⇒ Civil War

    • Ex: 1929 economic crisis led to the Great Depression ⇒ WW2

      America spread to Europe.

      • How

        Nationalism in Germany (Hitler) due to economic crisis

    current lack of resources leads to violence and civil war

  • Globalization, Interdependence, & cooperation dealing with problems together

    failure of one state affects many other states ⇒ strive for stable economy

  1. What are the persistent challenges facing human development?
  • Unequal Distribution of Resources

    600 billionaire is more wealthy than 90% of the world

    South Asia, Africa

  • Unequal Distribution of Income

    wage, interest, rent, profit

Theories Shaping the UN Approaches to Economic Development

Economic Liberalism

Adam Smith 1990s

Economic Development

  • Interdependence between states
  • Economy and politics should be separated

Economic Policy

  • Free market
  • Less state intervention, only for market failure/economic crisis

How economic institutions help state’s economy?

attract FDIs to Least Developed Countries (LDC)

  • World Bank(1944): long term loans
  • International Monetary Fund: stabilize currency exchange rate, provide short term loans
  • World Trade Organization: deal with trade disputes, provide trade regulations

Mercantilism/Statism (1400s - 1700)

Monarchy ⇒ Mercantilism

Main actors: state regulate market

States stress on self-sufficiency/independent by

  • Produce to meet domestic demands
  • Support infant industries (Small and medium-sized enterprises)
  • Limit FDIs
  • Set trade barriers

Mercantilism: Power == Wealth


Karl Marx

(Inequality) Conflict between

  • Proletariat: labor workers
  • Bourgeoisie: business owners

Stressed on

  • Central planning (state-led economy)
  • Heavy Industries: large and heavy equiments

Dependency Theory

Inequality between rich and poor states (NvsS)

  • Core: Rich states
    • started industrialization first
    • Tertiary economy
      • Service industry
      • Cyber industry
  • Semi-periphery: middle income states
    • Later to industrialization
    • Primary Economy
      • National Resources
      • Land
  • periphery: poor
    • trying to industrialize

    • Secondary Economy

Superpowers and the Rest of the World Theoretical Framework

Periphery: Low-value primary products


Core: high-value products

Solution: self-reliance, protectionism.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development core elements

  • Political Stability
  • Economic Development
  • Environmental Conservation


Economic Development or Environmental Conservation first?

The UN and Sustainable Development

Chapter 5 Economic Development and the UN/Untitled.png