Class Discussion 1

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS210 Created Time: March 4, 2020 11:28 AM Database: Class Notes Database Date: March 4, 2020 11:28 AM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Study Group

Chapter 1: What and Why SEA?

Groups Discussion

Classes: IS210

Lecturer (IMH)

Instruction: - Leader of the group have to guide members to present his/her opinion one by one. The leader has to take note of key ideas and present on behalf of the group after discussion.

- Each member has to provide ideas and arguments in his/her own terms as much as they can (rather than read or copy the whole ideas from book).

- Each group has ……. minutes to discuss and all members have to prepare for presentation on behalf of the group

Provide you own argument to the questions bellow:

  1. When ASEAN was created? Why?

    August 8, 1967

    Reason: to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability.


    Balance major powers?

    The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are:

    (1) to accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian nations, and

    (2) to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter. In 1995, the ASEAN Heads of State and Government re-affirmed that “Cooperative peace and shared prosperity shall be the fundamental goals of ASEAN.

  2. You have to provide ASEAN’s strategic policy during the Cold War and the situations of that time. Then brief ASEAN strategic policy at Post-Cold War and the situations until now.

    During the Cold War, South East Asia had external awareness as it was a geostrategic position for the conflicting world powers

    • The threat of spread of communism ⇒ came true in Cambodia invasion
    • Initially, limits on autonomy were set in the context of the global Cold War and American held power over Southeast Asia due to the “containment policy” to stop the spread of communism

    As U.S. political hegemony is diminished in the post–Cold War era, Southeast Asia now sees on the policy horizon a prospective Chinese hegemony

    • Switch focus from security to promoting multilateral relations for development & balance super power control.
    • Increased its members from 6 to 10
    • The shift in focus of SEA states to globalization introduced another challenge in “demand limiting policies” supported by states and NGOs
    • Threat of new rising power of China
  3. Why ASEAN decided to play the centrality policy?

    ASEAN wants to cooperate with world powers to solve dispute and to balance power between them.

    • Wants to be the center of economy and politics

    • Centrality

      Centrality within ASEAN is defined as the proximity of the ties between ASEAN member states, intra-ASEAN coherence leading to centrality by way of enabling the organization to “gain access to resources, set the agenda, frame debates, and craft policies that benefit its member states.

      The centrality of ASEAN, meanwhile is a consequence of its high amount of ties to external partners as well as constant exchanges of resources and information, a higher degree of which should enable the organization and its member states to procure resources more easily.

  4. Examine ASEAN’s two levels of international relations. Explain these international relations behaviors undermines ASEAN integration.

    ASEAN has two levels of IR: the bilateral level and multilateral level. At each level there are two set of relations.

    Bilaterally, ASEAN dealings with it’s own members and one on one countries.

    • Ex:
      • Cambodia-Thailand Border Conflict: soverignty, non-interference
      • Rohingya Crisis: Human Rights, Genocide, non-interference

    Multilaterally, ASEAN as a whole having relations with other international organizations.

    Bilateral and Multilateral relations in ASEAN undermines ASEAN’s unity due to biases

    National Interests > Common Interests

  5. Explore the diversities of ASEAN. Then explain the implications that weaken ASEAN’s centrality effectiveness. You have to provide a few examples to support your ideas.

March 25, 2020