Ethiopian Civil War
When: 1974 - 1991 Who: between Ethiopian military junta communist governments and Ethio-Eritrean anti-government rebels Where: modern day Ethiopia and Eritrea
The Soviet Union backed Derg conducted coup on Ethiopia in 1974
- set Ethiopia as communist state
- launched the Red Terror which killed many
Opposition groups of all different ideologies and ethnic minorities against Derg with Mengistu Haile Mariam
- Including the creation of Tigray People’s Liberation Front
- Worked with Eritrean People’s Liberation Front due to geographical proximity
- 1983 - 1985 famine
- Economic decline
- Including the creation of Tigray People’s Liberation Front
Derg Dissolved and replace itself with new name People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
- 1985: Soviet Union ended support
People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia defeated
- Replaced with Tigray People’s Liberation Front