Chapter 4: A Society Centered Approach to Trade Politics
(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS302 Created Time: November 25, 2020 8:28 AM Database: Class Notes Database Date: November 25, 2020 8:28 AM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 26, 2021 2:26 PM Type: Presentation Notes, Reading Notes
what determines the specific trade objectives that governments pursue when bargaining within the WTO, when negotiating regional trade arrangements, or when making unilateral trade policy decisions?
A Society Centered Approach: government’s trade policy objectives are shaped by politicians’ response to interest groups’ demands.
- Trump renegotiate NAFA and others
- Brexit
1. Trade Policy Preferences
Factor Model || Sector Model:
- Raise or lower tariff ⇒ redistribute income
- Income consequence ⇒ dividing society
1.1. Factor Model
It’s the competition between Capitalists and Workers
Factors of production is moved by the competition
There are two policies that determine the winner and losers:
1.2. Sector Model
Competition between export-oriented and import-competing sectors or industries
Assumption: the immobility across sectors of the economy
Winners laborer and capitalist employed in export-oriented industries
Losers laborer and capitalists employed in import-competing sectors
2. Organizing Interests
Collective Action Problem: situation where individuals would be better off cooperating but fails to do so because of incentive to free ride
Collective Action: help understand 3 characteristics of trade politics
- Why producers rather than consumers dominate trade politics
- Trade politics will exhibit a bias towards protectionism
- Why government rarely liberalize trade unilaterally, but will do so in negotiated agreements
3. Political Institutions and the Supply of Trade Policy
Uses First-Past-the Post: electoral system in which candidate or party is elected by achievement of a majority vote.
Proportional Representation
Electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the fraction of vote casted for them
3.1. The Electoral System
- shapes how interest groups organize in politics to pursue their trade policy objectives
- Affect the level of protectionism adopted in the country
3.2. Veto Players
- A political actor who must agree to have a policy be implemented.
- In the divided government, two-veto player systems
- Unified government: one-veto play system
- Coalition governments: Multi-veto player systems
- Parliamentary government: single party majority government
The more Veto players the harder to change from the status quo
3 Weaknesses
- SCA undermine independence of politicians
- SCA overlook motivation from non-governmental organizations
Why in developing countries labor prefer liberal trade policies while owners of capital prefer protectionist trade policies?
- Workers want free trade as it brings in competitions, higher labors, cheaper products
- Capitalists want closed economy because they could be monopoly, deciding the price and wage
What is trade politics? Trade Policy?
- Protectionism: focused on my capitalists
- Liberalization: focused on my labor
Factor Model
Determined by competition between the labor and capital (Comparative advantage)
Abundance factor is the winner, scarce factor is the loser