

Injustice, aggression, and war can be eliminated through collective/multilateral actions and institutional reform.

The core belief of liberalism are

  • The human nature is rational and good
  • States are cooperative
  • International System is peaceful and cooperative
  • There’s always further progress for individuals and international relations between states to grow 12
  • Individuals share mutual interests and will cooperate for mutual benefits 2
  • human behaviors is malleable and perfectible through institution without aggression

4 Basic Principles of Ideal Liberalism 2

  • Citizens’ Legal Equality, Civic Rights: Freedom of religion, free speech
  • Sovereignty of state upholding civic rights without influence from Monarch or Military in foreign Policy
  • Recognition of rights of Private Property
  • The economy is shaped by supply and demand without strict control by governments

Branches of Liberalism

Sub-Topics to Liberalism

flowchart LR 
		direction RL
		b-->b1(["Classical Liberalism"])
			b1-->b1a["Law & society moderate anarchy"]
			b1-->b1b["People have natural rights (Democracy)"]
		b-->b2(["Idealism (inter-war)"])
			b2-->b2a["Gives liberalism a bad name"]
			b2-->b2b["Talking shop"]
			b2-->b2c["League of Nations principles"]
			b2-->b2d["Didn't work"]
			b2-->b2e["Open Diplomacy needed - counter intuitive"]
			b3-->b3a["Use mathematical models"]
			b3-->b3b["Inter-dependence needed with Hegemony \n Stability = rational cooperation"]
			b3-->b3c["Counter Point to Neo-Realist"]
			b3-->b3d["Conflict declining"]
			b3-->b3e["IMF world bank surviving"]
				b3e-->b3e1["New legal regmines - Int Crim Court"]



  1. Chapter 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Global Governance (main)

  2. Jackson(2013)IntroductionInternationalRelationsa Chapter 4 Liberalism 2 3