
Tasks due today

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Monthy Meeting#ActionAid-Meeting

  • LRP5

    • Still need scanning & editing
  • P1-2022

    • Top up (additional CMs) 225 Q2
    • Everything must be sent by month 8
    • Australia stopps sponsoring
      • Final CM to Australia at the end of May
      • Problem: can’t have questions
        • It’s completed, but need to remove all the questions
    • Planned to send in March, but delayed to end of April and start of May
    • Ireland wants it by May too
  • LRP20: is finished

    • about 23 left
    • P1-2022: they are collecting and sending soon
  • LRP13 (UK, GR), LRP6 (UK, IT) all finished?

  • LRP10: arrived, but haven’t started

    • Only COFAP partner-org
      • 300+ CMs
  • LRP15

  • LRP5 (UK, IT, IE):

    • Arrived BCV: 568 CMs
  • 7000 is not accurate CM amount anymore

    • 7,254 links, child, and CM
    • 614 Correspondant letters, to which every child must reply
    • 7,800 CMs to write, edit, and scan.
  • May’s gonna be a busy month?

    • Skill share: anyon can share their specific specialty
  • P1-2021:

    • 300-400 CM left to send
    • Send by end of April: can’t delay
    • There’s 5 LRP in here
    • There are new profiles in a few of the LRPs
      • Sending new Child backgrounds to FA
        • LRP5,10,20,13,6
        • May teach new Volunteers to new system of scanning and checking new background profiles
        • Teach about SK, optional
    • 5 FA
  • What is Child Reply

    • Child writing to answer the questions Sponsor asked specifically
    • If CM has similar questions to Sponsor’s question, you only need the CM
  • Don’t try and fill the CM, try and make it concise and full of personal and unique info

  • Beware of things that didn’t happen

    • Like Child saying they took pic with sponsor.
  • Don’t wait until you finish all writing to start editing, find

  • Try not to use water eraser, if its okay, just keep it

  • Community Voice Report (CV)

    • Translate from English to Khmer
    • By b Soviet
    • When work is little, volunteers can learn and do CV
  • meeting @2022-05-27