- Compellence assumes Rational Choice Theory: to apply force, threats, and pressure
- States are more likely to make a decision they would normally not make.
- Is the proactive approach for a state to manipulate the perception of the benefit side as bigger
- Compellence aims to changing the status quo
- Applying force, so the other state changes behavior
- Compellence is much more dependent on coercive threats to influence an adversary
- States are more likely to make a decision they would normally not make.
- Cases
- US compelling North Korea that stopping its nuclear program is a better idea than continuing it
- [[Biden agrees to Iranian demands of sanction relief to advance nuclear deal talks report American Military News\|Biden agrees to Iranian demands of sanction relief to advance nuclear deal talks report American Military News]]
But cases of compellence seems to exaserbates the relations between the two nations
You prefer a weapon you only have to fire once to get everyone to get in line