Non-Territorial Autonomy and Gender Equality

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Created Time: June 8, 2021 2:39 AM Database: Evergreen Database Date: June 8, 2021 2:39 AM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: September 19, 2021 7:59 AM Tags: Research Paper Type: Literature Notes URL:

Title: Non-Territorial Autonomy and Gender Equality: the case of the autonomous administration of north and east syria - rojava

Topics: Syria Gender Equality Feminism

Extracted Annotations (2021-05-29)

“The dynamical structure of Democratic Autonomy with a strong emphasis on women’s self-reliance as a revolutionary act of emancipation for both men and women, is what distinguishes the Rojava project from other modalities of” (Burç 2020:334)

The Rojava project adds another liberal idea of women’s right into the political system and society as a whole. (note on p.334)

“NoN-TerriTorial auToNomy aS aN eNriCHmeNT oF rePreSeNTaTiVe demoCraCy │ 335 Non-Territorial Autonomy” (Burç 2020:335)

“Rojava’s implementation of a decentralized model of autonomy based on participative democracy, non-territoriality and systemic gender equality through women’s self-organization not only challenges conflating notions of territory, nation, ethnicity, state, and masculinity, mostly presumed in the dominant literature on minority governance, but further institutionally unmakes dichotomies such as majority vs. minority and gender relations constructed on masculine hegemony.” (Burç 2020:335)

  • Decentralized model of autonomy- participative democracy- non-territoriality- systematic Gender Equality

Syria used to have focus on (territory, nation, ethnicity, state & masculinity). But progress is being made to stop majority vs minority & masculine hegemony.

(note on p.335)

“The analysis of non-territorial autonomy as proposed by the Kurdish movement in Rojava, has shown that NTA can only fulfill its democratic promise of equal participation and representation, if the definition of subordination is extended beyond the category of minorities, incorporating subordinate groups within society that are not necessarily defined through ethnic and religious subjectivities, as the example on women’s representation in Rojava has demonstrated.” (Burç 2020:335)

Non-Territorial Autonomy is an aged concept that must be more liberal and broad in categorizing people for division within a state. The paper emphasize women specifically. (note on p.335)