
  • US defeated Spain in Cuba War
  • Phillipines under US after WW2
  • Problems
    • After 1946: Politics Elections: every election there is chaos
    • 2012: South China Sea Dispute
    • 2016: War on Drug by President Rodrigo Duterte


  • Nearly 100 Ethnic groups
  • Southern Philippines ethnic groups have ethnic conflicts

Phillipines.Geography and Climate

  • Bound by sea routes
  • Archipelago of over 7100 islands, only 800 is inhabited
  • Terrain mainly mountains with narrow to extensive coastal lowlands
  • Rich with natural resources
    • Timber
    • Petroleum
    • Nickle
    • Cobalt
    • Silver
    • Gold
    • Salt
    • Copper
  • Face many natural disasters
    • Easily flooded during floodseason
    • Land slides
    • Typhoons
    • Tsunami
    • Active volcanos

Economic gorwth history and inflation

  • GDP growth falls every time there’s an election
    • Because government spends on campaigning
    • Building infrastructure, improving health care, education, and campaign for publicity
  • Key Events
    • Asian Finanacial Crisis: 5% growth GDP to -0.5% growth
    • Global Fianncial Crisis: not affected much but some
    • National Election
    • COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Stability
    • Economic Freedom Score is 61.1: the freedom of people in using their wealth in society

How does Economic Freedom Score represent Economic Strength?

  • Main Sectors

    • Service: biggest (61%)
    • Agriculture: is small sector (8-15%)
    • Manufacturing: 15%
  • Unemployment due to

    • Low education of the poor
    • Oversupply of labor force in certain industries
    • Inability to take available jobs
    • Scarcity of productive job opportunities
  • Poverty due to

    • Low to moderate economic growth the past 40 years
    • Weak employment generation and quality of jobs generated
    • High popluation growth
  • Foreign Aid

    • Japan provided so much because it was an occupier and wanted to rebuild relations

  • Education

    • Influenced by colonizer Spain
    • English introduced as main language in 1898 due to American occupation
    • Issues with education
      • One of the lowest budget from government in ASEAN
      • Affordability: not many able to afford past primary school
      • Quality: between city and country side is different
  • Gender Equality: the leading country in ASEAN

    • Closed 80% of Economic Participation and opportunity of gender gap
    • Women still suffer domestic violence and economically disadvantaged