Marxism 1
- Marxism is one of the traditional international relations theories that Criticizes the capitalist system, that it’ll eventually lead to a revolution
- Capitalism divide people into two groups
- Bourgeoisie: rich capitalists
- Bourgeoisie exploits the workers (at the individual level)
- Proletariats: poor workers
- Bourgeoisie: rich capitalists
Branches of Marxism
- Neo-Marxism: is a branch of Marxism that Uses Karl Marx’s ideas to explain inequality between states at the global level.
- Structural Marxism: is an approach to Marxism which rather than blame any individual elite, blames capitalist Institutions who benefits the blameless capitalists in the long term.
- Post-Marxism
Sub-Topics on Marxism
Marxism’s Perspectives of Class, Production & IRs
Capitalism’s Impacts on Society
Alienating & exploitative characters of industrial capitalism → Vision: democratization of labor forces
Essence of capitalism:
- to ‘strive to tear down every barrier to intercourse’
- to ‘conquer the whole earth for its market’
- to annihilate the tyranny of distance by reducing ‘to a minimum the time spent in motion from one place to another’
Tension between centrifugal & centripetal forces in capitalist societies
Working class people doesn’t care about nationalism when trying to make a nation of all races (cosmopolitan)
Conflict Theory: It focuses on the competition of interests over scarce resources, natural disparity, and creates inequality of different groups in society that can lead to a wide range of social phenomena such as poverty, discrimination, domestic violence, revolutions and even wars. 2 {#3fecb4}
- Conflict theorists believe that conflict result of social groups competing for wealth and influence.
- They compete to gain more dominance, gain more rights and higher social status in the society and so on.
Marxism Asperations
- an end to alienation, exploitation, and estrangement
- to understand the laws of capitalism
- to understand movement of human history
- Unification of the human race
- Marxists only believe socialism is good when its adopted globally
- Want to train and spread socialists studies
Arguments 3
Theory of Economics
- Surplus value: products’ costs mostly go to capitalists
- Workers paid little ⇒ Can’t afford products made ⇒ overproduction ⇒ less employment ⇒ depression ⇒ capitalism collapse
Theory of Social Class
- Divided of two social classes
- The rich: owner of productions
- The poor: rely on rich to rain money
- The rich will use their power to set up methods which protects their wealth and power
Theory of History
- Past exploitations of lower classes in history has shown to have collapsed many times.
- The collapse of each systems leading from
Feudalism ⇒ Capitalism ⇒ Socialism