Preemptive War

  • Preemption: War in Response to First-Strike Advantages
    • What is First-Strike Advantage?
      • It exists when the first state to launch an attack will disarm the other state’s military (incapable of responding)
    • Why is it a problem?
      • The state that has the advantage will be tempted to use it
      • The state that is vulnerable might strike first rather than be disarmed
    • Preemptive War
      • When the war starter will benefit more than bargaining.
      • Negotiation becomes a ploy to delay the other side.
  • War from first strike advantage
    • First state to attack has more advantage
    • Why a problem?
  • “Use it or lose it” States temtation to use it
    • Preemtive war: benefit more than bargaining

Examples of Preemptive Wars

  • Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta in the 5th century BCE
  • World War I
  • Japanese attack on the United States in 1941
  • America’s invasion of Iraq in 2003
  • 1967 Arab–Israeli War (Six Day War)