Fog of War | Documentary

Created Time: February 28, 2022 3:58 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: March 20, 2022 10:23 PM Tags:#Documentary,#Video Type: Literature Notes URL:

  • Soviet Union was transferring Nuclear Weapons to Cuba which can target most American cities
  • US almost destroyed Cuba
    • Kennedy responded to the ‘soft message’ by empathizing with Soviet:
      • Kruchev would take pride in saying “I saved Cuba from invasion”
  • Luck was why Nuclear war didn’t happen
    • 1200 nuclear weapons can be launched in 15 minutes by 1 human being
  • Proportionality should be a guideline in war:
    • Should we kill 100k Japanese to save 10k soldiers when invading them? No
  • Only the losers of war are reprehended for breaking laws of war
  • Belief and seeing is often wrong
    • US assuming from 1 attack and 1 misinterpreted attack as an escalation of the Vietnamese
    • And believed that they would not stop until they win
  • A fuck ton of Bombings started
  • In the Vietnam War: US didn’t empathize with the Vietnamese
    • US thought of Vietnam as a proxy of Cold War: this political objective doesn’t fit the 3 trinity of war.
      • People don’t care about Vietnamese’s independence
    • Vietnamese thought of it as a Civil War: they fought for independence against slavery
  • Sometimes you can’t figure out the political objective of the enemy