The Somalia Civil-War from 1988-1991

Created: June 12, 2021 1:23 PM Property: Resan Chea Tags: Somalia URL:

Research Questions

  1. how the faction leaders functioned as political entities?
  2. how did the civil war start?
  3. what were the course and consequence of the civil war?

Conceptual Framework

  • Westernization
  • Centralized State System
  • Scientific Socialism
  • Primodialism


  • Proxy War Theory


Somalia presidential election was the first in Africa (after independence)

  • President Abdirshid ali Sharma’arke
    • Eroding country & democracy
      • Nepotism
      • Corruption
      • Clan Competition
    • assassinated
      • Violence
      • Mass Movement
  • Content: Mohamed Siaad Barre
    • Blood less coup (21 Oct 1969)
    • Scientific Socialism
    • Soviet financed Somali military, most powerful in sub Saharan
    • War with Ethiopia
      • Lost

Origin of Civil War

  1. Colonial Administration System: Division into sovereign territory
    • Centralized State System: Goes against traditional social structures
    • Italy + British colonial traditions: source of tension for elites
    • Unequal clans representation of elites
  2. Clan System
    • Competition over resources, income, foreign aid
      • Elites represented interest of their clans
    • Government biased treatment of different clans
      • Created 12 Opposition groups/political organizations against Siaad
  3. Impact of Cold War:
    • Soviet financed Somali military for Ogadan War, most powerful in sub Saharan
      • State’s Development: 100% foreign aid
      • Recurrent Budget: 50% foreign aid
  4. Repressive Government of Siaad Barre
    • Government turned authoritarian
    • Foreign aid mostly used for military and influential purposes (not economy)
    • Socio-Economic unequal treatment between clans and violence
      • Cabinet 32% → 50% represented by Darood Clan
      • Created clan based organizations against the government—5RrMDZbSvfLKMjLc3YzK/preview