Somalia’s Fight to Rebuild After War


Somalia hasn’t had a functional government in 25 years

UNICEF providing supplies to informal treatment centers to treat diseases

Diaspra: Somalians who left the country pre-civil war comes back educated and ready to rebuild country

  • A doctor built hospital with scientific practices rather than local’s praying


Somalia national army + UNISOM AMISOM: african peacekeeping force

Somalia national army was disfunctional, AMISOM took over in 2007

  • At the time Al-Shibab was very much in control of territory

Now Al-Sibab relies on one off attacks only

The last 10 years has been progress

  • National army has control of Moshibishu area and expanding their control

Al-Shibab means the youth

  • Appeal to young minds to do their biddings
  • Government when they found kids in Al-Shibab use as spies or insiders

State System

Feb 2020: Somalia elected a Somalia-American as their president

  • Villa Somalia: white house for Somalia
  • 80% are diaspras

What to do

Build up education and things inside the country

  • Make people believe: you can get a good life and job in the country so they don’t leave