Small states’ economy
Theories of Economic Growth
Lewis Model of Industrialization: emphasize important role of industrailization and mass production as the determinant of economic growth.
- Process of turning low productivity labour-surplus agriculture to more technologically intensive large scale manufacturing
- Moving unskilled and under employed low-productivity labour from the agricultural sector to manufacturing
- Raising industrial productivity
- Without reducing agricultural production
Inapplicability of Lewis Model to small states
- It assumes large population
- Existance of large agricultural sector
- Existance of large labor force
New Growth Theory & Endogenous Growth Models
- More domestic variables into calculation
- More modern and accurate to modern world
Determinents of Economic Growth in Small States
Population, GDP/GNP, The Terms of Trade, Composite size & characteristics measures are the characteristics of small states.
The smallness of markets in small states make it so its hard to grow
- Limited domestic demand for efficient output
- Disadvantage in promoting R&D, technical progress & technology
- …
Structural challenges of the market makes small economies hard to grow
Vulnerability sources
- Economic: external trade, exogenous shocks, isolation, limited policy autonomy
- Inability to take advantage of return to scale
- Rely disproportunately on foreign imports
- Political & Strategic: limit foreign policy, external pressures, excessive defense costs
- Environmental: natural disasters, climate change
- Economic: external trade, exogenous shocks, isolation, limited policy autonomy
Location or geographic characteristic of small states
Human capital
Social Cohesion: not accepted empirically as important
Political & Economic Policy Autonomy: decision-making without outside pressure.
- Sacrificing sovereignty for more economic growth. It doesn’t reduce growth. Small states can benefit from this relationship
- Rent seeking
- Free riding
- Sacrificing sovereignty for more economic growth. It doesn’t reduce growth. Small states can benefit from this relationship
Small Island Developing State (SIDS)
Vulnerability Index of small island states to natural disasters and climate change must be
5 vulnerability or challenges to SIDs
- Small size
- Insularity and remoteness
- High per-unit transport
- Uncertainties of supply
- Large stock
- Proneness to natural disaster
- Cyclones, earthquakes -> Economic cost
- Environmental factor
- Pressure arising from economic development: economic cost of environmental protection
- Environmental characteristic of SIDS:
- Other characteristics
- Dependence on foreign sources of finance
- Demographic factor