Small states’ economy

Theories of Economic Growth

  • Lewis Model of Industrialization: emphasize important role of industrailization and mass production as the determinant of economic growth.

    • Process of turning low productivity labour-surplus agriculture to more technologically intensive large scale manufacturing
    • Moving unskilled and under employed low-productivity labour from the agricultural sector to manufacturing
      • Raising industrial productivity
      • Without reducing agricultural production
  • Inapplicability of Lewis Model to small states

    • It assumes large population
    • Existance of large agricultural sector
    • Existance of large labor force
  • New Growth Theory & Endogenous Growth Models

    • More domestic variables into calculation
    • More modern and accurate to modern world

Determinents of Economic Growth in Small States

  • Population, GDP/GNP, The Terms of Trade, Composite size & characteristics measures are the characteristics of small states.

  • The smallness of markets in small states make it so its hard to grow

    1. Limited domestic demand for efficient output
    2. Disadvantage in promoting R&D, technical progress & technology
  • Structural challenges of the market makes small economies hard to grow

  • Vulnerability sources

    • Economic: external trade, exogenous shocks, isolation, limited policy autonomy
      • Inability to take advantage of return to scale
      • Rely disproportunately on foreign imports
    • Political & Strategic: limit foreign policy, external pressures, excessive defense costs
    • Environmental: natural disasters, climate change
  • Location or geographic characteristic of small states

  • Human capital

  • Social Cohesion: not accepted empirically as important

  • Political & Economic Policy Autonomy: decision-making without outside pressure.

    • Sacrificing sovereignty for more economic growth. It doesn’t reduce growth. Small states can benefit from this relationship
      • Rent seeking
      • Free riding
  • Globalization

Small Island Developing State (SIDS)

  • Vulnerability Index of small island states to natural disasters and climate change must be

  • 5 vulnerability or challenges to SIDs

    • Small size
    • Insularity and remoteness
      • High per-unit transport
      • Uncertainties of supply
      • Large stock
    • Proneness to natural disaster
      • Cyclones, earthquakes -> Economic cost
    • Environmental factor
      • Pressure arising from economic development: economic cost of environmental protection
      • Environmental characteristic of SIDS:
    • Other characteristics
      • Dependence on foreign sources of finance
      • Demographic factor