How to achieve more while studying less - Obsidian & Conceptual Notes
Created Time: November 11, 2021 5:03 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: November 11, 2021 5:21 PM Tags:#Note-Taking,#Productivity,#Video Type: Literature Notes URL:
Summary of main points
- Instead of taking notes you throw away after exams, take conceptual notes which accumilates over time. Link them together and you’ll come across them and use them all the time.
- Don’t note down anything you can easily search up on the internet. Do note down critical thinking answers, analytical approaches, new and original connections.
- You’re not making notes to hoard data, you make it however ugly, unorganized, or accronyms you want that’s intelligable and future proof.
Highlights and Notes
- First principle thinking: learning based on your accumilating understanding and past knowledge of fundamentals
- Conceptual Note Taking instead of Sequential Note taking
- Conceptions are connected together and easier to recall if you recall it’s neighbors
- Similar to locations and things that have relative neighbors
- Conceptual Note Taking instead of Sequential Note taking
- Keeping your old notes and what you learned over your life
- If you collect how people think about each conept instead of putting it in your own words, you’ll never think of an origianl thought
- Concepts can be connected together to create original concepts that you can develop later down your life, no matter if it’s from years ago
- What you should note down in lectures?
- You don’t have to remember things you can search up easily on the internet
- Note down analytical, critical thinking, things you can’t find on google easier without research
- Past research can be made into permanent notes
- Your notes doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but yourself
- Use shortcuts, analygies
You’re not here to hoard data, you’re here to use the data to make things.
- Use MOCs, very important for connecting notes
- You can change the organization of a top level note folder easily by changing how you connect notesw